Gibeon (IVA)

Country: Namibia
State/District: Great Namaland
Date of fall/find: Found 1836
Total known weight: 26000 kg (approx.)
Number of pieces: >100
Type: Iron, IVA

Meteoritical Bulletin record: Click here

Large masses were reported near the East bank of the Great Fish River and three days journey NE from Bethany, J.E.Alexander, J. Roy. Geogr. Soc. London, 1838, 8, p.24, A.L.Graham et al., Cat. Met., 1985, p.149. At least 81 masses totalling about 21,400kg have now been recovered, detailed description of the recovered masses, V.F.Buchwald, Handbook of Iron Meteorites, Univ. of California, 1975, p.584, 1385. Structure, H.J.Axon and P.L.Smith, Min. Mag., 1970, 37, p.888. Trace element analysis, A.A.Smales et al., GCA, 1967, 31, p.673. Polycrystalline, structure of parent taenite, E.Aladag and R.B.Gordon, GCA, 1969, 33, p.750. K-Ar data, W.Kaiser and J.Zähringer, Meteorite Research, ed. P.M.Millman, D.Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, 1969, p.429. Pb isotopic composition of troilite, V.M.Oversby, GCA, 1970, 34, p.65. Nitrogen abundance in Nejed mass, E.K.Gibson and C.B.Moore, GCA, 1971, 35, p.877. Analysis, 7.68% Ni, 1.97 ppm Ga, 0.111 ppm Ge, 2.4 ppm Ir, R.Schaudy et al., Icarus, 1972, 17, p.174. Mechanical properties, T.A.Auten, Meteoritics, 1973, 8, p.189. Cd and Zn abundances, K.J.R.Rosman and J.R.De Laeter, GCA, 1974, 38, p.1665. Nitrogen abundances in acid resistant phases, S.V.S.Murty et al., GCA, 1983, 47, p.1061. Study of brittle-ductile behavior by high-velocity impact experiments, T.Matsui and P.H.Schultz, J. Geophys. Res., 1984, 89 (suppl.), p.C323; see also, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.519 (abs.). Origin of Ag-107 excess, J.H.Chen and G.J.Wasserburg, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.144 (abs.). Sc abundance, M.Honda et al., Papers 10th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1985, p.174; see also, Papers 12th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1987, p.98 (abs.). Petrologic study of sulfide phases, search for host of Ag-107 data, J.Teshima et al., GCA, 1986, 50, p.2073; see also, A.El Goresy et al., LPSC, 1984, 15, p.244 (abs.). Si isotopic composition of tridymite, C.Molini-Velsko et al., GCA, 1986, 50, p.2719. Spectral reflectance properties, D.T.Britt and C.M.Pieters, LPSC, 1987, 18, p.131 (abs.). Cosmogenic radionuclide data, K.Nishiizumi et al., LPSC, 1987, 18, p.724 (abs.). Ni, Cu and Se abundances in troilite, S.R.Sutton et al., GCA, 1987, 51, p.2653. Neutron diffraction pole figures, S.Höfler et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1988, 90, p.1. Ag, Pd isotopic composition, J.H.Cheng and G.J.Wasserburg, GCA, 1990, 54, p.1729. Sulfur isotopic composition of troilite and metal, X.Gao and M.H.Thiemens, GCA, 1991, 55, p.2671; see also, LPSC, 1990, 21, p.401, 1249 (abs.); LPSC, 1989, 20, p.1221 (abs.). Be-10 data, K.Nishiizumi et al., Meteoritics, 1991, 26, p.379 (abs.). Nitrogen isotopic composition, C.A.Prombo and R.N.Clayton, GCA, 1993, 57, p.3749. Tl and Pb abundances in sulfide and metal, J.H.Chen and G.J.Wasserburg, LPSC, 1994, 25, p.245. A large number of masses has been found between 1989 and 1994, incl. three of 1050kg, 550kg and 370kg in weight, with a total weight of more than 10 tons, R.Haag, priv. comm. to J.Koblitz, 1994. Re-Os dating, J.J.Shen et al., LPSC, 1995, 26, p.1283 (abs.); see also, J.J.Shen et al., GCA, 1996, 60, p.2887; M.I.Smoliar and R.J.Walker, Meteoritics, 1995, 30, p.580 (abs.). Calculation of metallographic cooling rates, K.L.Rasmussen et al., GCA, 1995, 59, p.3049. Tridymite composition, F.Ulff-Möller, GCA, 1995, 59, p.4713. Mapping of light elements by SIMS, N.Sugiura, Papers 21st Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1996, p.161 (abs.). Analysis of tridymite, relationship to other IVA silicated irons, E.R.D.Scott et al., GCA, 1996, 60, p.1615. Oxygen isotopic composition, R.N.Clayton and T.K.Mayeda, GCA, 1996, 60, p.1999; see also, R.N.Clayton et al., LPSC, 1983, 14, p.124 (abs.). Cooling rate determination based on size of island region in cloudy zone of taenite, C.-W.Yang et al., MAPS, 1997, 32, p.423. Study of silica minerals tridymite and quartz, U.B.Marvin et al., LPSC, 1997, 28, p.879 (abs.). Composition of Cr-bearing minerals brezinaite, daubreelite, eskolaite and chromite, M.I.Petaev, LPSC, 1997, 28, p.1091 (abs.). Mineralogy and origin of brassy, sulfide-rich phases, M.I.Petaev and U.B.Marvin, LPSC, 1997, 28, p.1093 (abs.). Mineralogy of sulfide-bearing vugs, M.I.Petaev et al., LPSC, 1997, 28, p.1095 (abs.). Further analysis data, a 10 kg mass reportedly found beside a highway near Kingman, AZ, USA, shows a structure and chemical composition, which is indistinguishable from Gibeon, J.T.Wasson et al., GCA, 1998, 62, p.715. Mo isotopic composition, A.Masuda and Q.Lu, MAPS, 1998, 33, p.A99 (abs.). Ion probe analysis of carbon and nitrogen distribution in taenite and kamacite, N.Sugiura, MAPS, 1998, 33, p.393. Experimental study of magnetite formation, Y.Hong and B.Fegley,jr., MAPS, 1998, 33, p.1101. Magnetic properties, T.Fukuhara et al., Antarct. Meteorite Res., 1998, (11), p.178; see also, Papers 23rd Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1998, p.25 (abs.). Study of shock-induced magnetization, M.Funaki et al., Papers 23rd Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1998, p.28 (abs.). Physical properties, G.J.Flynn et al., LPSC, 1999, 30, abs. #1073. Porosity and density, L.B.Moore et al., LPSC, 1999, 30, abs. #1128. Historical notes, recovery circumstances, U.B.Marvin, Workshop on Extraterrestrial Materials from Cold and Hot Deserts, LPI Contrib. No. 997, Houston, 2000, p.48. Preatmospheric mass calculated to 2000 tons based on cosmogenic nuclides, M.Honda, Papers 26th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 2001, p.38 (abs.). Metallographic study of etched, polycrystalline specimens, R.Dietrich and S.König, Meteorite!, 2001, 7, (3), p.31. New analysis, J.T.Wasson and J.W.Richardson, GCA, 2001, 65, p.951.

ID#: 7268
Description: End cut
Size: 4 x 3 x 1 cm
Weight: 23.7 gr

US$ 65.00


3 more specimens of Gibeon


Class: IVA
Weight: 46.3 gr

US$ 125.00

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Class: IVA
Weight: 23.8 gr

US$ 65.00

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Class: IVA
Weight: 7.9 gr

US$ 22.00

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