Allende (CV3)

Country: Mexico
State/District: Chihuahua
Date of fall/find: Fell 1969, February 08 0105
Total known weight: 2000 kg (approx.)
Number of pieces: many pieces (shower)
Type: Stone. Carbonaceous chondrite, (Vigarano group, type 3), oxidized subgroup
Shock stage: S1

Meteoritical Bulletin record: Click here

A large shower of stones fell after a huge fireball lighted up thousands of square miles of Northern Mexico, reported, Met. Bull. 45, Meteoritics, 1970, 5, p.101. More than 2000kg were probably collected. One individual weighed 100-110kg but had fragmented on impact. The strewn field is estimated to be more than 150, E.A.King et al., Science, 1969, 163, p.928. Full, illustrated description of individual specimens, bulk and mineral analyses, 23.85% total Fe, olivine Fa0-45, avg. Fa6 in chondrules, R.S.Clarke,Jr. et al., Smithson. Contrib. Earth Sci., 1970, (5); see also, D.P.Elston, Meteoritics, 1970, 5, p.195; R.S.Clarke,Jr., Meteoritics, 1970, 5, p.189; R.M.Housley and M.Blander, Meteoritics, 1970, 5, p.203. Reference sample preparation, comparative analyses, E.Jarosewich et al., Smithson. Contrib. Earth Sci., 1987, (27). Noble gas data, gas-retention ages, E.L.Fireman et al., GCA, 1970, 34, p.873. Contains organic material, R.L.Levy et al., Nature, 1970, 227, p.148. Contains hibonite, K.Keil and L.H.Fuchs, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1971, 12, p.184. Total carbon and nitrogen contents, E.K.Gibson et al., GCA, 1971, 35, p.599. XRF analysis, T.S.McCarthy and L.H.Ahrens, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1972, 14, p.97. Uranium content, D.E.Fisher, GCA, 1972, 36, p.15. Oxygen isotopes in separated phases, N.Onuna et al., GCA, 1972, 36, p.169. Bi abundance, P.M.Santoliquido and W.D.Ehmann, GCA, 1972, 36, p.897. Xe and Kr isotope data, O.K.Manuel et al., GCA, 1972, 36, p.961. Refractory trace elements in CAIs, L.Grossman, GCA, 1973, 37, p.1119. Concentrations of heavy elements, H.Hintenberger et al., Meteoritics, 1973, 8, p.380 (abs.). Rb-Sr data, C.M.Gray et al., Icarus, 1973, 20, p.213. Major and trace element composition of chondrules and CAIs, P.M.Martin and B.Mason, Nature, 1974, 249, p.333. Mg isotopic composition, C.M.Gray and W.Compston, Nature, 251, p.495. Elemental abundances in chondrules, T.W.Osborne et al., GCA, 1974, 38, p.1359. Alkali element abundances, W.Nichiporuk and C.B.Moore, GCA, 1974, 38, p.1691. Grossular in inclusions, L.H.Fuchs, Meteoritics, 1974, 9, p.11. Mg isotopic anomalies in inclusions, T.Lee and D.A.Papanastassiou, Geophys. Res. Lett., 1974, 1, p.225. Chondrule composition, A.L.Graham, Smithson. Contrib. Earth Sci., 1975, (14), p.35. Petrography and mineral chemistry of CAIs, L.Grossman, GCA, 1975, 39, p.433. Refractory element pattern in CAIs, W.V.Boynton, GCA, 1975, 39, p.569. Evidence for a liquid origin of CAIs, M.Blander and L.H.Fuchs, GCA, 1975, 39, p.1605. SEM study of pink CAI, L.Grossman et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 1975, 2, p.37. Study of Fremdlinge in CAIs, H.Palme et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1976, 33, p.45; see also, D.A.Wark and J.F.Lovering, LPSC, 1976, 7, p.912 (abs.). Volatile element distribution in CAIs, C.-L.Chou et al., GCA, 1976, 40, p.85. Study of amoeboid olivine aggregates, L.Grossman and I.M.Steele, GCA, 1976, 40, p.149. Trace element analysis of coarse-grained, Ca-rich inclusions, L.Grossman and R.Ganapathy, GCA, 1976, 40, p.331. U-Th-Pb systematics of inclusions, M.Tatsumoto et al., GCA, 1976, 40, p.617. U-Pb isotopic composition, J.H.Chen and G.R.Tilton, GCA, 1976, 40, p.635. Trace element contents of fine-grained, Ca-rich inclusions, L.Grossman and R.Ganapathy, GCA, 1976, 40, p.967. Ba isotopic composition, M.T.McCulloch et al., Meteoritics, 1976, 11, p.331 (abs.). Four different groups of inclusions present, geochemical differences among groups, B.Mason and P.M.Martin, Smithson. Contrib. Earth Sci., 1977, (19), p.84. Xe isotopes in sulfides, R.S.Lewis, Meteoritics, 1977, 12, p.292 (abs.). Fluorine content, R.O.Allen,Jr. and P.J.Clark, GCA, 1977, 41, p.581. He and Ne isotopes in CAIs, chondrules, bulk and matrix, S.P.Smith et al., GCA, 1977, 41, p.627. Te content, C.L.Smith et al., GCA, 1977, 41, p.676. Chemical composition of matrix material, H.Y.McSween,Jr., GCA, 1977, 41, p.1145. Molybdenite observed in CAIs, L.H.Fuchs and M.Blander, GCA, 1977, 41, p.1170. Mg and Ca isotopic composition of spinel, melilite and anorthite, T.Lee et al., GCA, 1977, 41, p.1473. Trace element distribution in mineral separates, H.Nagasawa et al., GCA, 1977, 41, p.1587. Yb content, M.T.McCulloch et al., GCA, 1977, 41, p.1703. Trace element abundances in coarse-grained inclusions, L.Grossman et al., GCA, 1977, 41, p.1647. Sulfur isotopic composition, S-33 anomaly, C.E.Rees and H.G.Thode, GCA, 1977, 41, p.1679. Member of oxidized subgroup of CV3, olivine Fa10.0, PMD 86, H.Y.McSween,Jr., GCA, 1977, 41, p.1777. Oxygen isotopic anomalies found in CAIs, R.N.Clayton and T.K.Mayeda, Geophys. Res. Lett., 1977, 4, p.295. Mg isotopic anomalies found in CAIs, G.J.Wasserburg et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 1977, 4, p.299. Oxygen isotopic composition of CAIs, R.N.Clayton et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1977, 34, p.209. SEM study of Fremdlinge, A.El Goresy et al., Proc. LPSC, 1978, 9, p.1279. Analysis of Ti-bearing fassaites, S.E.Haggerty, Nature, 1978, 276, p.221. Trace element data, H.Takahashi et al., GCA, 1978, 42, p.97. Noble gas data, B.Srinivasan et al., GCA, 1978, 42, p.183. High temperature heating experiments, K.Notsu et al., GCA, 1978, 42, p.903 (abs.). Exposure age based on spallogenic Mn-53 contents, P.Englert and W.Herr, GCA, 1978, 42, p.1635. Grain size distribution, T.V.V.King and E.A.King, Meteoritics, 1978, 13, p.47. Mineralogy of rhönite-bearing CAI, L.H.Fuchs, Meteoritics, 1978, 13, p.73. Infrared photometry, albedo, JHK colors, M.Leake et al., Meteoritics, 1978, 13, p.101. Thermal release profile of Zn, E.H.Cirlin and R.M.Housley, Meteoritics, 1978, 13, p.413 (abs.). UV reflectance spectra, A.J.Cohen et al., Meteoritics, 1978, 13, p.420 (abs.). Major and trace element abundances in awaruite and pentlandite, A.M.Davis et al., Meteoritics, 1978, 13, p.438 (abs.). Mg isotopic composition of inclusions, I.D.Hutcheon et al., Meteoritics, 1978, 13, p.498 (abs.). Magnetic properties of chondrules, remanence, M.Lanoix et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 1978, 5, p.73; see also, Meteoritics, 1978, 13, p.531 (abs.), P.Wasilewski and C.Saralkar, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.1161 (abs.). Study of CAIs with ophitic textures, J.C.Lorin et al., Meteoritics, 1978, 13, p.537 (abs.). Sr isotopic composition, D.A.Papanastassiou and G.J.Wasserburg, Geophys. Res. Lett., 1978, 5, p.595. Sm isotopic composition, M.T.McCulloch and G.J.Wasserburg, Geophys. Res. Lett., 1978, 5, p.599. Search for Al-26 effects in FUN inclusions, T.M.Esat et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 1978, 5, p.807. SEM study of spinel framboids and Fremdlinge, A.El Goresy et al., Proc. LPSC, 1979, 10, p.833. Ti, Zr and Hf abundances, M.Shima, GCA, 1979, 43, p.353. Noble gas data, G.F.Herzog et al., GCA, 1979, 43, p.395. Trace element contents of amoeboid olivine aggregates, L.Grossman et al., GCA, 1979, 43, p.817. Xe contents of sulfides, R.S.Lewis et al., GCA, 1979, 43, p.1743. Magnetic properties, T.Nagata, Mem. Nat. Inst. Polar Res., Tokyo, 1979, (12), p.223. Description of inclusions, L.Grossman, Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 1980, 8, p.559. Mineralogy and Mg isotopic composition of type B2 CAIs, I.D.Hutcheon and I.M.Steele, LPSC, 1980, 11, p.496 (abs.). Sm-Nd isotopic data, S.B.Jacobsen and G.J.Wasserburg, LPSC, 1980, 11, p.502 (abs.). Study of oxygen isotopic anomalies in HAL inclusion, T.Lee et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 1980, 7, p.493; see also, LPSC, 1980, 11, p.618 (abs.). Sr isotopic composition of olivine-bearing chondrules, P.J.Patchett, LPSC, 1980, 11, p.865 (abs.). Xe-129 data, J.H.Reynolds et al., LPSC, 1980, 11, p.923 (abs.). Nitrogen isotopic composition, M.H.Thiemens and R.N.Clayton, LPSC, 1980, 11, p.1137 (abs.). Study of unusual CAIs, D.A.Wark et al., LPSC, 1980, 11, pp.1202, 1205, 1208, 1211, 1214 (abs.). TEM study of chromites, R.M.Housley and D.R.Clarke, Proc. LPSC, 1980, 11. Analysis of refractory metal particles, M.Blander et al., GCA, 1980, 44, p.217. Mineralogy and petrography of HAL inclusion, J.M.Allen et al., GCA, 1980, 44, p.685. Mobile trace element data, thermal metamorphism, G.Bart et al., GCA, 1980, 44, p.719, p.731. Analysis of Hg and Pt-metals in carbon-rich residues, S.Jovanovic and G.W.Reed,Jr., GCA, 1980, 44, p.1399. Study of nepheline and sodalite in olivine chondrule, G.R.Lumpkin, Meteoritics, 1980, 15, p.139. Cosmic ray tracks, N.Bhandari et al., Nucl. Tracks, 1980, 4, p.213. Uranium isotopic composition, J.H.Chen and G.J.Wasserburg, Geophys. Res. Lett., 1980, 7, p.275. Mineral chemistry of 'Pink Angel' CAI, J.T.Armstrong and G.J.Wasserburg, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.25 (abs.). Ar, Xe and Mg isotopes in 'Pink Angel' CAI, I.M.Villa et al., LPSC, 1981, 12, p.1115 (abs.). Si and oxygen isotopic compositions of CAIs, R.H.Becker and S.Epstein, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.56 (abs.). Uranium isotopic composition of 'Egg' and 'Pink Angel' CAIs, J.H.Chen and G.J.Wasserburg, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.132 (abs.). Fracture strength measurements, N.Fujii et al., LPSC, 1981, 12, p.312 (abs.). Mössbauer analysis of magnetic fractions, R.M.Housley, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.477 (abs.). Mg isotopic composition and mineral chemistry of secondary phases in type B CAIs, I.D.Hutcheon and R.C.Newton, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.491 (abs.). Study of Cl-correlated Ar-36, J.Jordan, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.514 (abs.). Composition of olivine, A.K.Lavrukhina and N.N.Korotkova, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.601 (abs.). Mg isotope survey for FUN inclusions, T.Lee and M.L.Zeff, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.604 (abs.). CCFXe in carbon-rich acid-residue 3CS5, R.S.Lewis and E.Anders, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.616 (abs.). SEM study of dark accretionary rims, G.J.MacPherson and L.Grossman, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.646, 648 (abs.). Bulk composition of chondrules, B.M.McMahon et al., LPSC, 1981, 12, p.697 (abs.). Lu/Hf isotope data, P.J.Patchett and M.Tatsumoto, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.822 (abs.). Pb-Pb dating, F.Tera, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.1085 (abs.). Ti isotopic composition of Ti-rich CAIs, F.R.Niederer et al., GCA, 1981, 45, p.1017. Ar isotopes in coarse-grained inclusion 3529Y, R.Warasila et al., LPSC, 1981, 12, p.1142 (abs.). Analysis of CAI alteration phases, D.A.Wark, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.1145, 1148 (abs.). Ti isotopic anomalies, S.Niemeyer and G.W.Lugmair, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1981, 53, p.211; see also, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.768 (abs.); S.Niemeyer, GCA, 1988, 52, p.309. Trace element data, G.W.Kallemeyn and J.T.Wasson, GCA, 1981, 45, p.1217. Trace element data, H.-J.Knab, GCA, 1981, 45, p.1563. Study of noble gas-rich acid-resistant residues, U.Ott et al., GCA, 1981, 45, p.1751. Te isotope data, D.Heymann and M.Dziczkaniec, GCA, 1981, 45, p.1829. Carbon components and their isotopic compositions, P.K.Swart et al., J. Geophys. Res., 1982, 87 (suppl.), p.A283. Chemical composition of HAL inclusion, A.M.Davis et al., GCA, 1982, 46, p.1627. Noble gas data, R.Göbel et al., GCA, 1982, 46, p.1777. Experimental study of CAI crystallization sequence, E.Stolper, GCA, 1982, 46, p.2159; see also, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.1049 (abs.). Petrology and composition of type B1 and B2 CAIs, D.A.Wark and J.F.Lovering, GCA, 1982, 46, p.2581, p.2595. Petrology and Mg isotopic composition of coarse-grained CAI 'WA', J.T.Armstrong et al., LPSC, 1983, 14, p.11 (abs.); see also, G.P.Meeker et al., LPSC, 1983, 14, p.493 (abs.); J.C.Huneke et al., LPSC, 1981, 12, p.482 (abs.). Classification of dark inclusions, T.E.Bunch and S.Chang, LPSC, 1983, 14, p.75 (abs.). Oxygen isotope in FUN inclusions, R.N.Clayton et al., LPSC, 1983, 14, p.122 (abs.). Xe, nitrogen and carbon isotopes in acid residues, U.Frick et al, LPSC, 1983, 14, p.217 (abs.). Study of reverse zoning in melilite of type B CAIs, G.J.MacPherson et al., LPSC, 1983, 14, p.456 (abs.). Si isotopic composition of various components, C.Molini-Velsko et al., LPSC, 1983, 14, p.509 (abs.). Magnetic properties, T.Nagata and M.Funaki, LPSC, 1983, 14, p.540 (abs.). SEM study of matrix, J.A.Peck, LPSC, 1983, 14, p.598 (abs.). Composition of Xe and Ne isotopes in acid residues, B.Srinivasan et al., LPSC, 1983, 14, p.742 (abs.). Analysis of gas permeability, N.Sugiura et al., LPSC, 1983, 14, p.757 (abs.). Analysis of CAI 'Scorpion', D.A.Wark and W.V.Boynton, LPSC, 1983, 14, p.826 (abs.). Nitrogen isotopic composition of size fractions, I.P.Wright et al., LPSC, 1983, 14, p.861 (abs.). Al-26 and Mn-53 data, Ne-21 exposure ages, U.Herpers and P.Englert, J. Geophys. Res., 1983, 88 (suppl.), p.B312. Study of replacement textures in coarse-grained CAIs, G.P.Meeker et al., GCA, 1983, 47, p.707. Mg isotope data of FUN inclusions, J.C.Huneke et al., GCA, 1983, 47, p.1635. I-Xe studies of individual chondrules, T.D.Swindle et al., GCA, 1983, 47, p.2157. Hydrogen and carbon isotopic composition of bulk and acid residues, J.Yang and S.Epstein, GCA, 1983, 47, p.2199. Analysis of matrix olivine, Fa42-51, J.A.Peck, Meteoritics, 1983, 18, p.373 (abs.). Oxygen isotopic composition of individual chondrules, R.N.Clayton et al., In: Chondrules and Their Origins (ed. E.A.King), 1983, p.37, Houston, Lunar Planet. Institute. Study of chondrule alteration and formation of matrix, R.M.Housley and E.H.Cirlin, In: Chondrules and Their Origins (ed. E.A.King), 1983, p.145, Houston, Lunar Planet. Institute. Paleointensity, NRM, T.Nagata and M.Funaki, Mem. Nat. Inst. Polar Res., Tokyo, 1983, (30), p.403; of dark inclusion, N.Sugiura and D.W.Strangway, J. Geophys. Res., 1985, 90 (suppl.), p.C729; see also, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.834 (abs.). Mg isotopic composition of plagioclase in CAIs, J.T.Armstrong et al., LPSC, 1984, 15, p.15 (abs.). Composition of volatilization residue, V.Ekambaram et al., LPSC, 1984, 15, p.240 (abs.). Description of Fremdlinge-rich CAI 5241, A.El Goresy et al., LPSC, 1984, 15, p.242 (abs.). Mg isotopic compositions of CAIs, T.M.Esat and S.R.Taylor, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.252, 254 (abs.). Analyses of minerals in group II inclusions, B.Fegley,Jr. and A.S.Kornacki, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.262 (abs.); A.S.Kornacki, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.449 (abs.). Ni isotopic composition of mineral separates, R.W.Hinton et al., LPSC, 1984, 15, p.365 (abs.). SEM study of remelted chondrules, R.M.Housley and E.-H.Cirlin, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.381 (abs.). Analysis of K and Ca isotopes in pyroxene from CAIs, I.D.Hutcheon et al., LPSC, 1984, 15, p.387 (abs.). Mineralogy of spinel-rich CAIs and analysis of hibonites, A.S.Kornacki, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.453 (abs.). Mineral analysis of melilite-rich type 3A CAIs, A.S.Kornacki, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.455 (abs.). Track densities, A.K.Lavrukhina et al., LPSC, 1984, 15, p.471 (abs.). Spectral reflectance features of white inclusions, S.Rajan and M.J.Gaffey, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.659 (abs.). Study of pentlandite-merrilite assemblages in matrix, A.E.Rubin et al., LPSC, 1984, 15, p.699 (abs.). Uranium isotopic abundance in acid residues, T.Shimamura and G.W.Lugmair, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.776 (abs.). Relationship between size and composition of CAIs, D.A.Wark and W.V.Boynton, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.888 (abs.). Chemical analysis of plagioclase, Y.Miura and T.Tomisaka, Mem. Nat. Inst. Polar Res., Tokyo, 1984, (35), p.210. Classification of CAIs and olivine-rich inclusions, A.S.Kornacki and J.A.Wood, J. Geophys. Res., 1984, 89 (suppl.), p.B573; see also, A.S.Kornacki, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.562 (abs.). Study of "fluffy" type A CAIs, G.J.MacPherson and L.Grossman, GCA, 1984, 48, p.29. Ne and Xe isotopic composition of acid resistant residues, U.Ott et al., GCA, 1984, 48, p.267. Mg, Si and oxygen isotopic composition and petrology of forsterite-bearing FUN inclusions, R.N.Clayton et al., GCA, 1984, 48, p.535. Microstructure and composition of minerals in coarse-grained CAIs, D.J.Barber et al., GCA, 1984, 48, p.769. Absolute Ca isotopic abundances in refractory inclusions, F.R.Niederer and D.A.Papanastassiou, GCA, 1984, 48, p.1279. Ti isotopic anomalies, S.Niemeyer and G.W.Lugmair, GCA, 1984, 48, p.1401. Mineralogy and composition of matrix, A.S.Kornacki and J.A.Wood, GCA, 1984, 48, p.1664. Tl and Pb isotopic composition of matrix phase, J.W.Arden and G.Cressey, GCA, 1984, 48, p.1899. Ca isotope variations in CAIs, M.H.A.Jungck et al., GCA, 1984, 48, p.2651; see also, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.423 (abs.). Absolute Ti isotopic abundances in CAIs, F.R.Niederer et al., GCA, 1985, 49, p.835; see also, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.609 (abs.). Mineralogical and chemical study of Fremdling "Willy", J.T.Armstrong et al., GCA, 1985, 49, p.1001; see also, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.13 (abs.). Mineral chemistry of spinel-rich inclusions, A.S.Kornacki and J.A.Wood, GCA, 1985, 49, p.1219. Abundances and isotopic compositions of C, H and N, J.F.Kerridge, GCA, 1985, 49, p.1707. Study of accretionary rims on inclusions, G.J.MacPherson et al., GCA, 1985, 49, p.2267. Petrography and mineral chemistry of coarse-grained CAI, A.El Goresy et al., GCA, 1985, 49, p.2433. Study of isotopically characterized chondrules, H.Y.McSween,Jr., Meteoritics, 1985, 20, p.523. X-radiography of 8 slabs, D.Heymann et al., Meteoritics, 1985, 20, p.559. Composition of Fremdlinge in coarse-grained CAI A37, A.Bischoff and H.Palme, LPSC, 1986, 17, p.54 (abs.). Mg isotopes in minerals of fine-grained CAI BG82DI, C.A.Brigham et al., LPSC, 1986, 17, p.85 (abs.). Study of recrystallization features, T.E.Bunch et al., LPSC, 1986, 17, p.89 (abs.). DSC analysis, J.L.Gooding, LPSC, 1986, 17, p.269 (abs.). Analysis of Fremdling "Zorba", L.Grossman et al., LPSC, 1986, 17, p.295 (abs.). Mg isotopes in hibonites, T.R.Ireland, LPSC, 1986, 17, p.376 (abs.). TEM study of carbonaceous acid residues, G.R.Lumpkin, LPSC, 1986, 17, p.502 (abs.); see also, LPSC, 1983, 14, p.450, 452 (abs.); LPSC, 1981, 12, p.631 (abs.). Oxygen and Si isotopic compositions of minerals in type B CAIs, T.K.Mayeda et al., LPSC, 1986, 17, p.526 (abs.). Study of depth variation in cosmogenic nuclides production, K.Nishiizumi et al., LPSC, 1986, 17, p.619 (abs.). Noble gas isotopic composition of gas-rich fragment, R.L.Palma and D.Heymann, LPSC, 1986, 17, p.638 (abs.). Trace element analysis of forsterite-rich inclusions, H.Palme et al., LPSC, 1986, 17, p.640 (abs.). Cr isotopic anomalies in FUN and non-FUN inclusions, D.A.Papanastassiou and G.J.Wasserburg, LPSC, 1986, 17, p.644 (abs.). Origin of ferrous zoning in chondrule olivines, J.A.Peck, LPSC, 1986, 17, p.654 (abs.). Mg, Ca and Ti isotopic composition of F-series CAIs, C.Prombo and G.W.Lugmair, LPSC, 1986, 17, p.685 (abs.). Hg isotopic composition, A.O.Nier and D.J.Schlutter, J. Geophys. Res., 1986, 91, p.E124; see also, LPSC, 1986, 17, p.613 (abs.). CAIs contain cosmogenic Ar, C.Kirschbaum, J. Geophys. Res., 1986, 91, p.E129; see also, LPSC, 1986, 17, p.422 (abs.). Saturation magnetization data, magnetite content, M.Hyman and M.W.Rowe, Meteoritics, 1986, 21, p.1; see also, LPSC, 1983, 14, p.341 (abs.). Analysis of volatile-rich chondrules, H.Isobe et al., Mem. Nat. Inst. Polar Res., Tokyo, 1986, (41), p.276. Abundances and volatility of refractory trace elements in CAIs, A.S.Kornacki and B.Fegley,jr., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1986, 79, p.217. Carbon isotopic composition and light element abundances, J.Halbout et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1986, 80, p.1. Mapping of carbon concentration, C.C.A.H.Van der Stap et al., J. Geophys. Res., 1986, 91, p.D373. Cr isotopic composition of spinels and chromites, T.Lee and F.Tera, GCA, 1986, 50, p.199. Composition and texture of relict forsterite grains, I.M.Steele, GCA, 1986, 50, p.1379. Experimental study of crystallization sequences of type B CAIs, E.Stolper and J.M.Paque, GCA, 1986, 50, p.1785. Si isotopic composition, C.Molini-Velsko et al., GCA, 1986, 50, p.2719. Analysis of CAI, D.A.Wark, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1986, 77, p.129. Major and trace element analysis of coarse-grained CAI A37, A.Bischoff et al., LPSC, 1987, 18, p.81 (abs.). Mg isotopes in purple spinel-rich inclusion, C.A.Brigham et al., LPSC, 1987, 18, p.129 (abs.). Oxygen isotopic composition of porphyritic chondrules and coarse-grained rims, R.N.Clayton et al., LPSC, 1987, 18, p.187 (abs.). Raman spectroscopy of carbon phases, D.Heymann and N.W.Read, LPSC, 1987, 18, p.423 (abs.); see also, D.Heymann et al., LPSC, 1986, 17, p.339, 341 (abs.). Analysis of unusual chondritic rock fragment, G.Kurat et al., LPSC, 1987, 18, p.523 (abs.). Fine-grained, Xe-HL-rich carbon component consists mainly of interstellar diamonds, R.S.Lewis et al., LPSC, 1987, 18, p.550 (abs.). Study of meteoroid fragmentation process, T.Matsui and E.Tajika, LPSC, 1987, 18, p.602 (abs.); see also, Papers 12th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1987, p.127 (abs.). Petrology of type B1 CAI, H.Nagahara et al., LPSC, 1987, 18, p.694 (abs.). REE abundance pattern of type B1 CAI, N.Nakamura and H.Nagasawa, LPSC, 1987, 18, p.698 (abs.); see also, H.Nagasawa et al., LPSC, 1981, 12, p.744 (abs.). Ti isotopic composition of chondrules, S.Niemeyer, LPSC, 1987, 18, p.718 (abs.); see also, LPSC, 1986, 17, p.611 (abs.). Sm-Nd systematics in coarse-grained type B CAIs, D.A.Papanastassiou et al., LPSC, 1987, 18, p.760 (abs.). Composition of Ca-aluminate-bearing type A CAI, J.M.Paque, LPSC, 1987, 18, p.762 (abs.). Be abundance and distribution in CAIs, A.J.Spivack et al., LPSC, 1987, 18, p.938 (abs.). C-13 NMR spectra of insoluble carbon residues, J.R.Cronin and S.Pizzarello, GCA, 1987, 51, p.299. Trace element composition and petrology of forsterite-bearing CAIs, D.A.Wark et al., GCA, 1987, 51, p.607. Determination of Th and U microdistribution in CAIs by fission track radiography, M.T.Murrell and D.S.Burnett, GCA, 1987, 51, p.985. Ru isotopic composition of acid resistant residue, H.Poths et al., GCA, 1987, 51, p.1143; see also, LPSC, 1983, 14, p.614 (abs.). Study of ferrous zoning in chondrule olivines, J.A.Peck and J.A.Wood, GCA, 1987, 51, p.1503. Study of alteration of Al-rich inclusions inside amoeboid olivine aggregates, A.Hashimoto and L.Grossman, GCA, 1987, 51, p.1685. Bulk composition of chondrules, matrix and coarse-grained chondrule rims, A.E.Rubin and J.T.Wasson, GCA, 1987, 51, p.1923. Composition and mineralogy of refractory-metal-rich assemblages from CAI, A.Bischoff and H.Palme, GCA, 1987, 51, p.2733. Mineralogy and composition of Fremdling "Zelda", J.T.Armstrong et al., GCA, 1987, 51, p.3155; see also, LPSC, 1986, 17, p.13 (abs.). Mineral compositions of chondrules, G.V.Baryshnikova et al., LPSC, 1986, 17, p.30 (abs.). Isotopic abundances of Mg, Fe, Mo, Ru and W in Fremdlinge from CAIs, I.D.Hutcheon et al., GCA, 1987, 51, p.3175. Study of carbon in dark clasts, D.Heymann et al., Meteoritics, 1987, 22, p.3. REE in Ca-phosphates, M.Ebihara and M.Honda, Meteoritics, 1987, 22, p.179. Major and trace element composition, oxygen isotopes of dark inclusions, A.Bischoff et al., LPSC, 1988, 19, p.88 (abs.). TEM study of diamonds, D.Blake et al., LPSC, 1988, 19, p.94 (abs.). Analysis of volatiles, G.E.Blanford and E.K.Gibson,Jr., LPSC, 1988, 19, p.98 (abs.). Petrology of plagioclase-rich, forsterite-bearing CAI, N.Z.Boctor et al., LPSC, 1988, 19, p.110 (abs.). REE abundances in hibonite-rich inclusion, A.M.Davis et al., LPSC, 1988, 19, p.249 (abs.). Carbon, Si, S, Ca, and Fe contents of dark inclusions, D.Heymann et al., Meteoritics, 1988, 23, p.134; see also, LPSC, 1988, 19, p.491 (abs.); C.C.A.H.van der Strap et al., LPSC, 1987, 18, p.1034 (abs.). TL of chondrule olivine, L.L.Kashkarov et al., LPSC, 1988, 19, p.592 (abs.). REE abundances in hibonite and perovskite of group II inclusion, J.R.Laughlin et al., LPSC, 1988, 19, p.661 (abs.). Raman spectroscopy of glass in chondrules, J.Makjanic et al., LPSC, 1988, 19, p.717 (abs.). Ne and Xe isotopic compositions of diamond-rich fractions, R.S.Lewis and E.Anders, LPSC, 1988, 19, p.679 (abs.). Re-Os isotope systematics, J.W.Morgan and R.J.Walker, LPSC, 1988, 19, p.802 (abs.). Ca, Ti and Cr isotopes in purple spinel-rich inclusion, D.A.Papanastassiou and C.A.Brigham, LPSC, 1988, 19, p.899 (abs.); see also, LPSC, 1987, 18, p.756 (abs.). Ca isotopes in melilite, anorthite and fassaite of type B1 CAI, C.A.Prombo and G.W.Lugmair, LPSC, 1988, 19, p.951 (abs.). Composition of chromite in fayalitic rims, S.Weinbruch et al., LPSC, 1988, 19, p.1255 (abs.). Ni and Cr isotopic composition of refractory inclusions, J.L.Birck and G.W.Lugmair, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1988, 90, p.131; see also, J.L.Birck et al., LPSC, 1987, 18, p.79 (abs.). I-Xe study of CAIs and halogene-rich inclusions, T.D.Swindle et al., GCA, 1988, 52, p.2215; see also, C.Kirschbaum, GCA, 1988, 52, p.679. Study of olivine in CAIs, X.Hua et al., GCA, 1988, 52, p.1389, see also, LPSC, 1987, 18, p.443 (abs.). REE fractionation among chondrules, K.Misawa and N.Nakamura, GCA, 1988, 52, p.1699; see also, LPSC, 1986, 17, p.551 (abs.); Papers 12th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1987, p.90 (abs.); H.Matsuda et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.632 (abs.). Boron content, D.M.Shaw et al., GCA, 1988, 52, p.2311. REE analysis, Ca and Mg isotopic composition of hibonite-rich refractory inclusions, R.W.Hinton et al., GCA, 1988, 52, p.2573. Mg isotopic composition of individual chondrules, C.Uyeda et al., Proc. NIPR Symp. Ant. Met., 1989, (2), p.268. Carbon isotopic composition of interstellar grains, J.W.Arden et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.21 (abs.); R.D.Ash et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.26 (abs.), LPSC, 1988, 19, p.15 (abs.). Petrology and opaque mineralogy of armalcoite-bearing CAI, N.Z.Boctor et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.88 (abs.). Isotopic study of FUN inclusion, C.A.Brigham et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.107 (abs.); LPSC, 1988, 19, p.132 (abs.). REE distribution in complex type B1 CAI, G.Crozaz et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.210 (abs.). Cr isotopic composition of spinels, T.M.Esat and S.R.Taylor, LPSC, 1989, 20, p.270 (abs.). Study of Mo and W depletions in CAIs, B.Fegley,Jr. and D.Kong, LPSC, 1989, 20, p.279 (abs.). Annealing experiments, T.Geiger et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.337 (abs.). Analysis of volatiles, C.P.Hartmetz et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.381 (abs.). Study of chondrule oxidation, R.H.Hewins et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.410 (abs.). TEM study of CAI alteration, L.P.Keller and P.R.Buseck, LPSC, 1989, 20, p.512 (abs.). Trace element partitioning and relict grains in type B CAI, S.M.Kuehner et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.550 (abs.). Lithophile element characteristics of fine-grained chondrule rims, S.Noda and N.Nakamura, LPSC, 1989, 20, p.794 (abs.). Bulk composition of Fremdlinge, H.Palme et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.814 (abs.). Analysis of Pt-V-rich Fremdling, J.M.Paque, LPSC, 1989, 20, p.822 (abs.). Comparison of Al-26 and initial Sr-87/Sr-86 systematics in CAIs, F.A.Podosek et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.856 (abs.). Cr isotopic composition of inclusions, M.Rotaru et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.924 (abs.). Oxygen isotopic composition of CAIs, A.A.Ulyanov et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.1146 (abs.). Isotopic composition of hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen in interstellar diamonds, A.Virag et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.1158 (abs.). Oxygen isotopic compositions of forsterites, fayalitic rims, and matrix olivines, S.Weinbruch et al., LPSC, 1989, 20, p.1187 (abs.). Sulfur isotopic composition of bulk and sulfate, X.Gao and M.H.Thiemens, LPSC, 1989, 20, p.1221 (abs.). Grain size distribution of matrix minerals, M.Toriumi, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1989, 92, p.265. Study of carbon in glass inclusions, J.Makjanic et al., Meteoritics, 1989, 24, p.49. X-ray CT images, T.Hirano, Papers 14th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1989, p.158 (abs.). Paleomagnetic intensity, T.Nagata and M.Funaki, Papers 14th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1989, p.160 (abs.); see also, Papers 15th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1990, p.56 (abs.). Analysis of opaque assemblages in CAIs, J.D.Blum et al., GCA, 1989, 53, p.543. Mineralogy and composition of zoned fine-grained inclusions, A.V.McGuire and A.Hashimoto, GCA, 1989, 53, p.1123; see also, LPSC, 1988, 19, p.754 (abs.). Carbon isotopic composition of interstellar grains, R.D.Ash et al., GCA, 1990, 54, p.819. Ion microprobe analysis of complex type B1 refractory inclusion, REE data, G.J.MacPherson et al., GCA, 1989, 53, p.2413; see also, LPSC, 1987, 18, p.590 (abs.). Trace element analyses of grain size fractions, T.R.Ireland et al., LPSC, 1990, 21, p.546 (abs.). Evidence for low temperature equilibration in CAIs, G.P.Meeker, LPSC, 1990, 21, p.781 (abs.). I-Xe systematics of chondrules and rims, R.H.Nichols,Jr. et al., LPSC, 1990, 21, p.879 (abs.). Ne isotope contents of sieve fractions, R.L.Palma and D.Heymann, LPSC, 1990, 21, p.928 (abs.). Ti isotopic composition and petrography of fine-grained CAIs, C.A.Prombo et al., LPSC, 1990, 21, p.983, 985 (abs.). Mg isotopic heterogeneity in POI, I.D.Hutcheon and G.J.Wasserburg, LPSC, 1990, 21, p.1138 (abs.). Study of compositional zoning in fassaite, S.B.Simon and L.Grossman, LPSC, 1990, 21, p.1156, 1160 (abs.). Zn isotopic composition of inclusions, J.Völkening and D.A.Papanastassiou, LPSC, 1990, 21, p.1276 (abs.); see also, R.D.Loss and G.W.Lugmair, LPSC, 1989, 20, p.588 (abs.). Structure, composition and carbon, nitrogen and Ne isotopic composition of interstellar graphite grains, E.Zinner et al., LPSC, 1990, 21, p.1379 (abs.). Alteration texture of chondrule pyroxene, S.Matsunami et al., Papers 15th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1990, p.26 (abs.). REE abundances in group II inclusions, S.Yoneda et al., Papers 15th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1990, p.73 (abs.). Study of FeO-rich rims and veins in forsteritic olivine grains, S.Weinbruch et al., Meteoritics, 1990, 25, p.115. Study of alkali and REE fractionation in chondrules, H.Matsuda et al., Meteoritics, 1990, 25, p.137; see also, H.Matsuda and N.Nakamura, Papers 14th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1989, p.96 (abs.); N.Nakamura and H.Matsuda, Papers 14th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1989, p.99 (abs.); N.Nakamura et al., Papers 15th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1990, p.147 (abs.). Mg isotopic composition of chondrules, K.Misawa and N.Nakamura, Papers 15th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1990, p.172 (abs.). Oxygen isotopic abundances in porphyritic chondrules and chondrule rims, A.E.Rubin et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1990, 96, p.247. U-Th-Pb systematics of individual perovskite grains, T.R.Ireland et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1990, 101, p.379. Petrologic, oxygen isotopic, and bulk analysis data of dark clasts, C.A.Johnson et al., GCA, 1990, 54, p.819; see also, LPSC, 1989, 20, p.468 (abs.). Analysis of Fremdlinge, P.J.Sylvester et al., GCA, 1990, 54, p.3491. Zn, Pd, Ag, Cd, Sn, Te isotopic composition of acid-etched residues, R.D.Loss et al., GCA, 1990, 54, p.3525. Oxygen isotopic composition of minerals in complex olivine-bearing xenolith, A.El Goresy et al., LPSC, 1991, 22, p.345 (abs.). Composition of experimentally-derived partial melts, A.J.G.Jurewicz et al., LPSC, 1991, 22, p.669 (abs.). REE distribution in compact type A CAIs, A.K.Kennedy et al., LPSC, 1991, 22, p.709 (abs.); see also, LPSC, 1989, 20, p.514 (abs.). Isotopic composition of Ba, Sr, Kr and Xe in diamonds, R.S.Lewis et al., LPSC, 1991, 22, p.807 (abs.). Study of volatile loss by heating, A.V.Wulf and H.Palme, LPSC, 1991, 22, p.1527 (abs.). TEM study of clinopyroxene in CAI, N.Doukhan et al., Meteoritics, 1991, 26, p.105. Analyses of organic compounds, T.N.Tingle et al., Meteoritics, 1991, 26, p.117. Nb-Ta fractionation in CAIs, K.P.Jochum et al., Meteoritics, 1991, 26, p.352 (abs.). Determination of Ca-41 production profile, K.Nishiizumi et al., Meteoritics, 1991, 26, p.379 (abs.). Chemistry, mineralogy, and isotopic composition of plagioclase-olivine inclusions, Y.J.Sheng et al., GCA, 1991, 55, p.581; see also, LPSC, 1988, 19, p.1075 (abs.). Composition of olivine and chromite in type II chondrules, C.A.Johnson and M.Prinz, GCA, 1991, 55, p.893. Mg and Sr isotopic composition of CAIs, F.A.Podosek et al., GCA, 1991, 55, p.1083. Trapped noble gases of "phase Q", R.Wieler et al., GCA, 1991, 55, p.1709; see also, LPSC, 1989, 20, p.1201 (abs.). Fassaite composition of type B CAIs, S.B.Simon et al., GCA, 1991, 55, p.2635. Melilite zoning in type B1 CAIs, A.M.Davis et al., LPSC, 1992, 23, p.281 (abs.). Bulk analysis of Ni-rich spinels in fusion crust, E.Robin et al., LPSC, 1992, 23, p.1159 (abs.); see also, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1992, 108, p.181. Chemical analysis of fremdlinge from type A CAI, P.J.Sylvester et al., LPSC, 1992, 23, p.1397 (abs.). Oxygen isotopic composition of hibonite-bearing refractory inclusions, T.R.Ireland et al., GCA, 1992, 56, p.2503. Shock classification, E.R.D.Scott et al., GCA, 1992, 56, p.4281. Chemical and isotopic composition of basaltic plagioclase-olivine inclusion SA-1, A.K.Kennedy and I.D.Hutcheon, Meteoritics, 1992, 27, p.539. Chemical composition of dark inclusions, Y.Ikeda and M.Prinz, Papers 18th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1993, p.44 (abs.). Study of Fe-Mg zoning in olivines, S.Maruyama et al., Papers 18th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1993, p.110 (abs.). Trace element composition of ferromagnesian chondrule R-11, K.Misawa et al., Papers 18th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1993, p.114 (abs.). Chemical and Ru, Mg isotopic composition of acid residues, N.Kano et al., Proc. NIPR Symp. Ant. Met., 1993, (6), p.325; see also, Papers 18th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1993, p.170 (abs.). Th-U abundances, A.Rocholl and K.P.Jochum, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1993, 117, p.265. Composition of experimental partial melts, A.J.G.Jurewicz et al., GCA, 1993, 57, p.2123. Oxygen isotopic composition of individual olivine grains, S.Weinbruch et al., GCA, 1993, 57, p.2649. Mineralogy and composition of matrix and chondrule rims, M.Zolensky et al., GCA, 1993, 57, p.3123. Bulk density and porosity, M.Terho et al., Studia Geophysica et Geodaedica, 1993, 37, p.65. Mg isotope fractionation in olivine, A.Koga et al., LPSC, 1994, 25, p.723 (abs.). High-temperature shock experiments, T.Nakamura et al., LPSC, 1994, 25, p.969 (abs.); see also, Papers 18th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1993, p.22 (abs.). Oxygen isotope mapping of CAI, H.Yurimoto et al., LPSC, 1993, 24, p.1565 (abs.); see also, Papers 18th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1993, p.117 (abs.); LPSC, 1994, 25, p.1539 (abs.). Oxygen isotopic ratios in fassaite crystals of CAI, H.Yurimoto et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1994, 128, p.47. Mineralogy and chemical analysis of refractory-metal assemblages in type B1 CAI, H.Palme et al., GCA, 1994, 58, p.495. Thermal history of parent body, S.Weinbruch et al., GCA, 1994, 58, p.1019. La isotopic composition, J.J.S.Shen et al., GCA, 1994, 58, p.1499. Boron data, M.Zhai and D.M.Shaw, Meteoritics, 1994, 29, p.607. Noble gas composition of high-purity separates of presolar diamonds, G.R.Huss and R.S.Lewis, Meteoritics, 1994, 29, p.791. Infrared diffuse reflectance spectra, M.Miyamoto and M.E.Zolensky, Meteoritics, 1994, 29, p.849; see also, M.Miyamoto, LPSC, 1986, 17, p.561 (abs.); K.Sato et al., MAPS, 1997, 32, p.503. Study of perovskite twinning, L.P.Keller and P.R.Buseck, Amer. Mineralogist, 1994, 79, p.73. Study of anhydrous chondrule alteration, Y.Ikeda and M.Kimura, Proc. NIPR Symp. Ant. Met., 1995, (8), p.97, 123; see also, Workshop on Modification of Chondritic Materials, LPI Tech. Rpt. 97-02, Part 1, 1997, p.29 (abs.); M.Kimura and Y.Ikeda, Papers 21st Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1996, p.68 (abs.). Mineralogical study of spinel-hibonite-perovskite inclusion, I.M.Steele, Meteoritics, 1995, 30, p.9. Compositional study of spinel-free islands in spinel-rich type B1 CAI, G.P.Meeker, Meteoritics, 1995, 30, p.71. Analysis of fullerenes, L.Becker et al., LPSC, 1995, 26, p.87 (abs.), D.Heymann, LPSC, 1995, 26, p.595 (abs.). Concentration of fullerenes in bulk samples is less than 1ppb, D.Heymann, Meteoritics, 1995, 30, p.436. Noble gas analyses of acid-resistant residue, diamond and SiC contents, G.R.Huss and R.S.Lewis, GCA, 1995, 59, p.115. H/D data of amino acids, N.R.Lerner, GCA, 1995, 59, p.1623. Experimental study of high temperature oxygen isotope exchange, Y.Yu et al., GCA, 1995, 59, p.2095. Potassium isotopic composition, M.Humayun and R.N.Clayton, GCA, 1995, 59, p.2131. Production of flattened chondrules by shock experiments, T.Nakamura et al., Meteoritics, 1995, 30, p.344. Sulfur, Se, Na and Ni abundances, G.Dreibus et al., Meteoritics, 1995, 30, p.439. Oxygen isotopic composition of magnetite, B.-G.Choi et al., Meteoritics, 1995, 30, p.498 (abs.). Pt and Rh contents, K.P.Jochum and H.M.Seufert, Meteoritics, 1995, 30, p.525 (abs.). TL properties indicate a petrologic type 3.2, R.K.Guimon et al., Meteoritics, 1995, 30, p.704. Study of mineralogical alteration features, A.N.Krot et al., Meteoritics, 1995, 30, p.748. CL study of oscillatory zoning in forsterite grains, I.M.Steele, Amer. Mineralogist, 1995, 80, p.823. Heating experiments, study of alkali-zoned chondrules, evidence for anhydrous alteration, Y.Ikeda and M.Kimura, Proc. NIPR Symp. Ant. Met., 1996, (9), p.51. TL glow curve and oxidation kinetic of diamonds, A.V.Fisenko et al., LPSC, 1996, 27, p.361 (abs.). REE abundances in matrix material, M.Inoue et al., LPSC, 1996, 27, p.581 (abs.). Cr isotopic composition, N.Kano and M.Imamura, LPSC, 1996, 27, p.637, 639 (abs.); see also, N.Kano et al., Antarct. Meteorite Res., 1997, (10), p.313. Origin of fayalitic olivine rims and lath-shaped matrix olivine in bulk and dark inclusions, A.N.Krot et al., LPSC, 1996, 27, p.711 (abs.); see also, MAPS, 1997, 32, p.31. Mineralogy of dark clasts, M.K.Weisberg et al., LPSC, 1996, 27, p.1407 (abs.); M.E.Zolensky and A.N.Krot, LPSC, 1996, 27, p.1503 (abs.). Search for NRM carrier minerals, M.Funaki and P.Wasilewski, Papers 21st Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1996, p.38 (abs.). REE abundances and bulk composition of pure matrix materials, N.Nakamura et al., Papers 21st Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1996, p.131 (abs.). Analysis of noble gases trapped in mesostasis and olivine of chondrule HN-3, M.Terauchi et al., Papers 21st Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1996, p.178 (abs.). Origin of HAL-type hibonite inclusions, vaporisation experiments, C.Floss et al., GCA, 1996, 60, p.1975. Characteristics of reflectance spectrum, T.Hiroi et al., MAPS, 1996, 31, p.321; see also, Papers 18th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1993, p.93 (abs.). Carbon and nitrogen isotopic study of diamonds, S.S.Russell et al., MAPS, 1996, 31, p.343. I-Xe data of sodalite-rich inclusions, R.H.Brazzle et al, MAPS, 1996, 31, p.A21 (abs.). Oxygen isotopic composition of mineral phases in type B CAI, K.D.McKeegan et al., MAPS, 1996, 31, p.A86 (abs.). Xe and Kr data of chondrules, Y.N.Miura and K.Nagao, MAPS, 1996, 31, p.A91 (abs.). Cl-36 decay produced Ar and Xe, S.V.S.Murty and G.J.Wasserburg, MAPS, 1996, 31, p.A94 (abs.). Study of Li distribution, S.Schirmeyer et al., MAPS, 1996, 31, p.A123 (abs.). Study of aqueous alteration in dark clasts, T.Kojima and K.Tomeoka, GCA, 1996, 60, p.2651; see also, Papers 18th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1993, p.13 (abs.). HRTEM study of diamond microstructure, T.L.Daulton et al., GCA, 1996, 60, p.4853. Boron abundance and isotopic composition, M.Zhai et al., GCA, 1996, 60, p.4877. Sm-Nd isotopic compositions of CAIs, O.Bogdanovski and E.Jagoutz, LPSC, 1997, 28, p.129 (abs.). Microstructures of fayalitic olivine, A.J.Brearley, LPSC, 1997, 28, p.151 (abs.). Study of phyllosilicates in chondrules, A.J.Brearley, LPSC, 1997, 28, p.153 (abs.). Porosity, D.T.Britt and G.J.Consolmagno, LPSC, 1997, 28, p.159 (abs.). Shock effects on phase Q and HL diamonds, T.Nakamura et al., LPSC, 1997, 28, p.1001 (abs.); see also, Papers 22nd Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1997, p.135 (abs.); MAPS, 1997, 32, p.A96 (abs.). Te isotopic composition of interstellar diamonds, S.Richter et al., LPSC, 1997, 28, p.1163 (abs.). 3D X-ray CT images of individual chondrules, A.Tsuchiyama et al., LPSC, 1997, 28, p.1453 (abs.); see also, M.Kondo et al., Papers 21st Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1996, p.78 (abs.); Antarct. Meteorite Res., 1997, (10), p.437; A.Tsuchiyama et al., Papers 25th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 2000, p.166 (abs.). Study of oxygen isotopes in CAIs by ion microprobe, H.Hiyagon, Papers 22nd Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1997, p.56 (abs.), and by SIMS, H.Hiyagon, Papers 21st Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1996, p.45 (abs.). Oxygen isotopic composition of chondrules, I.Jabeen et al., Papers 22nd Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1997, p.72 (abs.); see also, Antarct. Meteorite Res., 1998, (11), p.122; MAPS, 1998, 33, p.A76 (abs.); Papers 24th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1999, p.59 (abs.). Noble gas compositions in individual chondrules, Y.N.Miura and K.Nagao, Papers 22nd Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1997, p.118 (abs.). Estimation of 3D internal structure of barred chondrules, T.Noguchi and H.Honjyo, Papers 22nd Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1997, p.152 (abs.). Lithophile trace element and Mg isotopic abundances in individual mineral phases of type B1 CAI 3655A, A.K.Kennedy et al., GCA, 1997, 61, p.1541. Influence of minerals on H/D exchange of organic acids, N.R.Lerner, GCA, 1997, 61, p.4885. Boron and Li isotopic heterogeneity of chondrules, P.Hannon et al., MAPS, 1997, 32, p.A55 (abs.). Study of fullerenes, fulleranes and PAHs, L.Becker and T.E.Bunch, MAPS, 1997, 32, p.479. Porosity and liquid permeability, C.M.Corrigan et al., MAPS, 1997, 32, p.509. Composition of fusion crust, M.J.Genge and M.M.Grady, MAPS, 1997, 32, p.A45 (abs.); see also, MAPS, 1999, 34, p.341. Sm and Gd isotopic composition, H.Hidaka et al., MAPS, 1997, 32, p.A59 (abs.). Composition of refractory metal grains in CAI rim and center; evidence for flash heating, D.A.Wark, MAPS, 1997, 32, p.A135 (abs.). Discussion of parent-body metamorphism processes, G.J.MacPherson and A.M.Davis, Workshop on Modification of Chondritic Materials, LPI Tech. Rpt. 97-02, Part 1, 1997, p.42 (abs.). Trace element abundances in refractory forsterite grains, S.Weinbruch et al., Workshop on Modification of Chondritic Materials, LPI Tech. Rpt. 97-02, Part 1, 1997, p.65 (abs.). TEM study of void-like defect structures in matrix and isolated-olivine grains, H.Tanaka and J.Akai, Antarct. Meteorite Res., 1997, (10), p.217. Oxygen isotopes and Fe/Mg ratios in chondrule olivine, H.Hiyagon, Antarct. Meteorite Res., 1997, (10), p.249. Oxygen isotopic composition of CAI, M.Ito et al., Papers 23rd Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1998, p.39 (abs.); see also, MAPS, 1998, 33, p.A74 (abs.). Hydrothermal experiments with acidic and neutral water, T.Kojima and K.Tomeoka, Papers 23rd Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1998, p.58 (abs.); see also, MAPS, 1999, 34, p.A67 (abs.). Petrologic and oxygen isotopic study of refractory mineral-bearing chondrules, S.Maruyama et al., Papers 23rd Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1998, p.72 (abs.); see also, MAPS, 1998, 33, p.A98 (abs.). Study of magnetic remanence in chondrules, P.Wasilewski and T.L.Dickinson, Papers 23rd Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1998, p.166 (abs.); see also, MAPS, 2000, 35, p.537. TEM study of compact type A CAIs, A.Greshake et al., MAPS, 1998, 33, p.75. Petrography, mineral chemistry and trace element distribution of unusual type A inclusion TS2, S.B.Simon et al., MAPS, 1998, 33, p.115. Oxygen isotopic composition of isolated and chondrule olivine, L.A.Leshin et al., MAPS, 1998, 33, p.A93 (abs.). REE pattern of hibonite in refractory inclusions, S.B.Simon et al., MAPS, 1998, 33, p.A145 (abs.). Petrology, composition and origin of secondary Ca-Fe-rich minerals in dark inclusions, A.N.Krot et al., MAPS, 1998, 33, p.623. Oxygen isotopes in forsterite grains, J.M.Saxton et al., MAPS, 1998, 33, p.1017. Mineralogical and petrographic study of alteration minerals in chondrules and matrix, A.N.Krot et al., MAPS, 1998, 33, p.1065. Petrological study of fayalitic olivine in chondrite matrix and dark inclusions, M.K.Weisberg and M.Prinz, MAPS, 1998, 33, p.1087. I-Xe dating of sodalite, T.D.Swindle, MAPS, 1998, 33, p.1147. Physical properties, density and porosity data, G.J.Consolmagno and D.T.Britt, MAPS, 1998, 33, p.1231; see also, D.T.Britt and G.J.Consolmagno, MAPS, 2003, 38, p.1161. Carbon and hydrogen concentrations in type I and type II chondrules, P.Hanon, GCA, 1998, 62, p.903. Study of fayalitic halos around metal and sulfide inclusions within forsterites, X.Hua and P.R.Buseck, GCA, 1998, 62, p.1443. In situ measurements of oxygen isotopes in pyroxenes and melilite from type B CAI by laser ablation microanalysis, E.D.Young et al., GCA, 1998, 62, p.3161; see also, E.D.Young and S.S.Russell, MAPS, 1998, 33, p.A169 (abs.). Noble gas signature of a physically separated fine material, highly enriched in noble gases, J.-I.Matsuda et al., MAPS, 1999, 34, p.129. Distribution of Li, Be, and boron in chondrules, P.Hanon et al., MAPS, 1999, 34, p.247. Search for extinct Al-26 in diamonds, A.Besmehn et al., MAPS, 1999, 34, p.A11 (abs.). TEM study of Ca, Fe-rich pyroxene, F.E.Brenker et al., MAPS, 1999, 34, p.A18 (abs.). Magnetic properties of pentlandite, M.Funaki and P.Wasilewski, MAPS, 1999, 34, p.A39 (abs.). Oxygen isotopic composition of presolar oxide grains, R.Strebel and P.Hoppe, MAPS, 1999, 34, p.A112 (abs.). Minor element abundances in spinels from type B CAIs, H.C.Connolly,Jr. and D.S.Burnett, MAPS, 1999, 34, p.829. Tl isotopic composition, M.Rehkämper and A.N.Halliday, GCA, 1999, 63, p.935. Origin of compact type A refractory inclusions, S.B.Simon et al., GCA, 1999, 63, p.1233. Distribution of oxygen isotopes in type C CAI, H.Imai and H.Yurimoto, Papers 24th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1999, p.53 (abs.). X-ray CT imaging of large chondrule, T.Kawabata et al., Papers 24th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1999, p.64 (abs.). Distribution of oxygen isotopes and cations in matrix, H.Kobatake et al., Papers 24th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1999, p.78 (abs.). Influence of hot-water alteration on noble gas composition of matrix material, E.Nakasyo et al., Papers 24th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1999, p.130 (abs.). Mg isotopic composition of anorthite in CAIs, T.Ushikubo et al., Papers 24th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1999, p.182 (abs.). Bulk chemical composition of chondrules and matrix, S.Klerner and H.Palme, LPSC, 1999, 30, abs. #1272. ICP-MS analysis of PGEs in fremdlinge, A.J.Campbell and M.Humayun, LPSC, 1999, 30, abs. #1609. Pt and Os abundance, M.F.Horan et al., LPSC, 1999, 30, abs. #1412. K-41 abundances in refractory inclusions, T.R.Ireland and E.Zinner, LPSC, 1999, 30, abs. #1455. Determination of porosity and grain and bulk density, L.B.Moore et al., LPSC, 1999, 30, abs. #1128. Cr isotopic composition, F.A.Podosek et al., LPSC, 1999, 30, abs. #1307. Bulk density measurements, S.L.Wilkison and M.S.Robinson, LPSC, 1999, 30, abs. #1929. 53Mn-53Cr dating, J.L.Birck et al., GCA, 1999, 63, p.4111. IR, UV, and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements on presolar diamonds, A.Braatz et al., MAPS, 2000, 35, p.75. Mg isotopic fractionations in barred olivine chondrules, K.Misawa and T.Fujita, MAPS, 2000, 35, p.85. Noble gas data, cosmic-ray exposure age, P.Scherer and L.Schultz, MAPS, 2000, 35, p.145. Chemical composition of refractory forsterites, S.Weinbruch et al., MAPS, 2000, 35, p.161. Mineral chemistry, zoning, and oxygen isotopic compositions of spinel-bearing chondrules and inclusions, S.B.Simon et al., MAPS, 2000, 35, p.215; see also, MAPS, 1999, 34, p.A108 (abs.). Nb, Ta, Y, Zr abundances, K.P.Jochum et al., MAPS, 2000, 35, p.229. Mössbauer spectroscopic study, E.Hoffman et al., MAPS, 2000, 35, p.431. Hg content and Hg isotopic composition, D.S.Lauretta et al., MAPS, 2000, 35, p.A95 (abs.). Noble gas isotopic composition of pysically separated samples, S.Zaizen et al., Antarct. Meteorite Res., 2000, (13), p.100. Influence of aqueous alteration on noble gas compositions, E.Nakasyo et al., Antarct. Meteorite Res., 2000, (13), p.135. Distribution of oxygen isotopes in an amoeboid olivine aggregate, H.Imai and H.Yurimoto, Papers 25th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 2000, p.29. Shock recovery experiments, K.Kiriyama et al., Papers 25th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 2000, p.43. Mineralogy and oxygen isotopic composition of rimmed dark inclusions, A.N.Krot et al. Mineralogy and petrography of amoeboid olivine aggregates, M.Komatsu et al., Papers 25th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 2000, p.61 (abs.). IR absorption spectroscopy, T.Osawa et al., Papers 25th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 2000, p.125 (abs.). Isotopic composition and refractory trace element abundances in hibonites, S.Sahijpal et al., GCA, 2000, 64, p.1989. Major element chemical and isotopic compositions of refractory inclusions, L.Grossman et al., GCA, 2000, 64, p.2879. Carbon content of olivines, M.E.Varela and N.Métrich, GCA, 2000, 64, p.3433. Carbon content and distribution in glass inclusions, M.E.Varela et al., GCA, 2000, 64, p.3923. Boron isotopic composition of chondrules, P.Hoppe et al., LPSC, 2000, 31, abs. #1235. Abundances of highly siderophile trace elements, M.F.Horan and R.J.Walker, LPSC, 2000, 31, abs. #1375. Laser microprobe analysis of Xenon isotopes, N.Ebisawa et al., Papers 26th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 2001, p.16 (abs.). Isotope dilution Th and uranium analyses, J.S.Goreva and D.S.Burnett, MAPS, 2001, 36, p.63. Petrologic and isotopic study of hibonite-bearing fluffy Type A refractory inclusions, S.B.Simon et al., MAPS, 2001, 36, p.331. Te and Pd isotopic composition of presolar nanodiamonds, R.Maas et al., MAPS, 2001, 36, p.849. Trace element analysis of Wark-Lovering rims of CAIs, D.Wark and W.V. Boynton, MAPS, 2001, 36, p.1135. Boron abundances and isotopic composition of chondrules, P.Hoppe et al., MAPS, 2001, 36, p.1331. Be-B and Al-Mg isotope systematics of CAIs, N.Sugiura et al., MAPS, 2001, 36, p.1397. Cu and Zn isotopic composition, J.M.Luck et al., MAPS, 2001, 36, p.A118 (abs). Fe isotopic compositions in chondrule components, E.Mullane et al., MAPS, 2001, 36, p.A142 (abs). Abundance and distribution of refractory forsterite grains, A.Pack and H.Palme, MAPS, 2001, 36, p.A156 (abs). Mn-Cr dating, A.Shukolyukov and G.W.Lugmair, MAPS, 2001, 36, p.A188 (abs). Nitrogen abundances in glass inclusions in olivine, M.E.Varela et al., MAPS, 2001, 36, p.A210 (abs). Cd isotopic composition, F.Wombacher et al., MAPS, 2001, 36, p.A225 (abs). Oxygen isotopic composition of fine-grained CAIs, H.Yurimoto et al., MAPS, 2001, 36, p.A230 (abs). 107Pd-107Ag dating, R.W.Carlson and E.H.Hauri, GCA, 2001, 65, p.1839-1848. Re-Os isotopic systematics of CAIs, H.Becker et al., GCA, 2001, 65, p.3379. Modal mineralogy by XRD, P.A.Bland and G.Cressey, LPSC, 2001, 32, abs. #1853. Li and boron isotopic composition of CAIs, M.Chaussidon et al., LPSC, 2001, 32, abs. #1862; see also, J.M.Paque et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1401; M.Chaussidon et al., LPSC, 2004, 35, abs. #1568. Study od 3D internal structures of barred olivine chondrules, T.Noguchi, Antarct. Meteorite Res., 2002, (15), p.59. Ru isotopic composition, H.Becker and R.J.Walker, LPSC, 2002, 33, abs. #1018. U-Pb dating of refractory inclusions, Y.Amelin et al., LPSC, 2002, 33, abs. #1151. Chemistry of glass inclusions in olivines of dark inclusion and host, M.E.Varela et al., LPSC, 2002, 33, abs. #1190. Zr isotopic composition, M.Schönbächler et al., LPSC, 2002, 33, abs. #1283. Ne and Ar isotopic composition of chondrules, N.Vogel et al., LPSC, 2002, 33, abs. #1312; see also, MAPS, 2001, 36, p.A216 (abs). Oxygen isotopic composition of refractory forsterite, A.Pack et al., LPSC, 2002, 33, abs. #1664. Selenium abundance and isotopic composition, M.Plagge et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1217. Bulk and oxygen isotopic composition of compound chondrules, T.Akaki et al., Papers 27th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 2002, p.1 (abs.); see also, T.Akai and T.Nakamura, Evolution of Solar System Materials: A New Perspective from Antarctic Meteorites, NIPR Tokyo, 2003, p.1 (abs.); MAPS, 2003, 38, No. 7 (Suppl.), p.A51 (abs.). REE abundances in rim and core of type B1 CAI, H.Hiyagon, Papers 27th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 2002, p.34 (abs.). Oxygen isotopic composition of chondrule olivine, T.Nakamura et al., Papers 27th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 2002, p.115 (abs.). HRTEM search for carrier phase Q, R.D.Vis et al., MAPS, 2002, 37, p.1391. Petrogenesis of type B1 CAIs; analysis of spinels from T-34 CAI, H.C.Connolly et al., MAPS, 2003, 38, p.197. Elemental abundance constraints on condensation of matrix olivine, L.Grossman and A.V.Fedkin, Evolution of Solar System Materials: A New Perspective from Antarctic Meteorites, NIPR Tokyo, 2003, p.31 (abs.). Petrological study of ferrous olivine, A.N.Krot et al., Evolution of Solar System Materials: A New Perspective from Antarctic Meteorites, NIPR Tokyo, 2003, p.61 (abs.). Study of sector-zoning in fassaite of type B2 refractory inclusion, S.B.Simon et al., Evolution of Solar System Materials: A New Perspective from Antarctic Meteorites, NIPR Tokyo, 2003, p.129 (abs.). Petrography and oxygen isotopic composition of accretionary rims, M.Cosarinsky et al., MAPS, 2003, 38, No. 7 (Suppl.), p.A64 (abs.). XAFS study on degree of alteration/metamorphism of carbonaceous matter, F.Kitajima et al., Papers 28th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 2004, p.35 (abs.). Fe isotopic composition of matrix, CAIs and chondrules, E.Mullane et al., MAPS, 2003, 38, No. 7 (Suppl.), p.A66 (abs.). TOF-SIMS studies of light elements, I.C.Lyon et al., MAPS, 2003, 38, No. 7 (Suppl.), p.A73 (abs.). Ne and Ar isotopes in CAIs, N.Vogel et al., MAPS, 2003, 38, No. 7 (Suppl.), p.A75 (abs.). Thiophenic absorption of sulfur k-edge NEXAFS spectra, F.Kitajima et al., MAPS, 2003, 38, No. 7 (Suppl.), p.A114 (abs.). Microdistribution of primordial Ne and Ar in fine-grained rims, matrices, and dark inclusions, N.Vogel et al., MAPS, 2003, 38, p.1399. Density and porosity, S.L.Wilkinson et al., MAPS, 2003, 38, p.1533. Fe isotopic composition of chondrules, E.Mullane et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1027. Pt isotopic composition of presolar nanodiamond residues, U.Ott et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1167. Oxygen isotopic composition of Ca-Fe-rich silicates in and around a CAI, M.Cosarinsky et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1043; see also, MAPS, 2004, 39, No. 8 (Suppl.), p.A26 (abs.). Mo isotopic composition, H.Becker and R.J.Walker, LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1170. Be-B isotope systematics in hibonites, K.K.Marhas and J.N.Goswami, LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1303. SIMS study of Si and Mg isotope fractionations in melilite in type B CAIs, N.Sugiura et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1307. REE abundances and petrology of an ultra-refractory nodule in a fine-grained inclusion, H.Hiyagon et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1552. Rb-Sr dating of chondrules, G.Shimoda et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1597. Te isotopic composition of acid leachates, M.A.Fehr et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1655. Trace element variation in matrix material, P.A.Bland et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1750. Ru isotopic composition, J.H.Chen et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1789; see also (for CAIs), D.A.Papanastassiou et al., LPSC, 2004, 35, abs. #1828. Chemistry of type B CAIs, S.B.Simon and L.Grossman, LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1796. Fe and Se isotopic composition, N.Dauphas et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1807. Noble gases in fluffy and compact CAIs, N.Vogel et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1873. REE abundances and oxygen isotopes in chondrules, R.D.Ash et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1907. CT study of voids in chondrules and CAIs, J.Murray et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #1999. I-Xe dating of dark inclusions, C.M.Hohenberg et al., LPSC, 2003, 34, abs. #2107. Determination of modal mineralogy by X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy, P.A.Bland et al., MAPS, 2004, 39, p.3; see also, O.N.Menzies et al., MAPS, 2004, 39, No. 8 (Suppl.), p.A67 (abs.). Noble gases in chondrules, N.Vogel et al., MAPS, 2004, 39, p.117. REE abundances in the matrix, M.Inoue et al., MAPS, 2004, 39, p.599. Study of noble gas isotopes in CAIs, N.Vogel et al., MAPS, 2004, 39, p.767. PGE and REE abundances in Wark-Lovering rims, D.A.Wark et al., LPSC, 2004, 35, abs. #1053. Impact disruption experiments, G.J.Flynn and D.D.Durda, LPSC, 2004, 35, abs. #1072. Zoning patterns in spinel from type B CAIs, D.S.Burnett et al., LPSC, 2004, 35, abs. #1253. Mo isotopic composition of CAIs, J.H.Chen et al., LPSC, 2004, 35, abs. #1431. Petrologic subtype classification based on Raman spectroscopy of organic matter, L.Bonal et al., LPSC, 2004, 35, abs. #1562. Uranium isotopic composition, J.M.Friedrich et al., LPSC, 2004, 35, abs. #1575. Study of Mg isotope zonation in CAIs, J.I.Simon et al., LPSC, 2004, 35, abs. #1668. Mg isotopic composition of bulk CAIs; formation chronology, A.Galy et al., LPSC, 2004, 35, abs. #1790. Oxygen isotopic composition of olivine grains from FeO-rich chondrules, R.H.Jones et al., LPSC, 2004, 35, abs. #1865. Chemistry of refractory forsterites, H.Palme et al., LPSC, 2004, 35, abs. #2023. REE abundances in olivine-rich chondrules and chondrule mesostases, A.Pack et al., LPSC, 2004, 35, abs. #2062. NMR spectroscopy of IOM, G.D.Cody et al., MAPS, 2004, 39, No. 8 (Suppl.), p.A23 (abs.). 3D tomographic measurements of volumes, D.S.Ebel et al., MAPS, 2004, 39, No. 8 (Suppl.), p.A33 (abs.). Ba isotopic compositions of presolar SiC grains, K.K.Marhas et al., MAPS, 2004, 39, No. 8 (Suppl.), p.A61 (abs.). FTIR spectroscopy, A.Morlok et al., MAPS, 2004, 39, No. 8 (Suppl.), p.A72 (abs.). Fabric analysis of matrix, L.E.Watt et al., MAPS, 2004, 39, No. 8 (Suppl.), p.A113 (abs.).

ID#: 7182
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Size: 4 x 2.5 x 2.3 cm
Weight: 35.2 gr

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